Wednesday, February 25, 2009


We broke down and bought Kylee a new bike for her birthday 8 months early. Her other bike broke and she was doing so well that we didn't want her to go without a bike for so long. We let her pick it out and of course she picked the My Little Pony bike. We got it last week and the kids enjoyed being outside on their bikes. Here's a picture of all of the children. Trevor likes to jump on the tricycle sometimes even though he is too big for it.
Here's a cute picture of Zackary. He usually just likes to run into the street!!

Here's Trevor with his mean face on. He of course has a Transformer bike because that is what he loves!!

Here's Kylee in bicycle heaven. She loves her new bike and wants to go out every day and ride it!!


The Justice Family said...

Wow, what a surprise to see a comment from you. How fun that you guys have a blog. I always love when I find out another one of my cousins have a blog. I feel like I miss out on everyone's lives because I live here in Utah. The blogs really help me feel like I know how things are going with every one. I met Kylie for the first time a few weeks ago at the Charter Oak ward. She is so cute. Luke and her were kissing cousins. She was so cute with Luke. If you guys get the pressure cooker, I know you will LOVE it! We have used it every night this week. I made barbecoa pork for burritos in it in about an hour. Usually it takes about 8hours in a crockpot. Good to hear from you guys! I am going to add you to my friends and family list.

The Grimmers said...

What great pictures of your kids looks like their having the time of their life!!! CUTE!!!